Saturday, 8 May 2004

Life is unpredictable!

I’ve resigned to take up my new job setting up a street kids project and centre in the East! I have two weeks left of school, invigilating and marking exams, and then it’s off to England for a couple of weeks before moving to my new home and job.

It’s an exciting project with an alternative approach, and it’s really gaining momentum which is great news. It's been started by two former VSO volunteers who've invested everything in it - their heart, soul and money. So far IRC are on board and funding the expansion and development of the programme as the main element of their unaccompanied children and social work programme in this country, but the project is also being courted by several other agencies.

I spent this weekend on site, looking over the property we’ve acquired to run the community and education programmes out of and to accommodate the younger children and emergency cases, and me of course! It’s an excellent property, not quite finished but huge and with massive potential for achieving the objectives we have and more.

Work in progress!

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